Popular Aws Programming Tips
Bringing Your (Encryption) Keys to Multi/Hybrid Clouds
Michael Laccetti
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aws, heroku, vault, security
To easily run ansible playbook on AWS/EC2
Skate Hunbash
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ec2, aws, ansible
AWS EB Snippet
Nati Namvong
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aws, git, eb
Setting Response Headers for aws_s3 download requests in ruby
0 responses
ruby, aws, s3, response headers
Starting with SAP in-memory technology by cheap
Leonardo Nogueira
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aws, sap, hana
Testing user signup verification code emails (from Firebase/Cognito/OAuth)
Jack Mahoney
0 responses
firebase, cognito, aws, testing
AWS S3 Static Hosting
Lars Van Casteren
0 responses
aws, s3, security
Boto S3 secure urls
0 responses
s3, aws, boto
Bash function to easily lookup EC2 instances in one region
David Dossot
0 responses
ec2, aws, bash
One-liner to get S3 bucket size
Simon Pantzare
0 responses
shell, s3, awk, aws