Joined January 2015

Pyetro Rapp

Milano, Lombardia, Italia

Actually I solved my problem. My issue was caused because I wanted to have $('a') without any other selector to have the external link icon also in footer.

in the end I added more specific selector because i'm using Squarespace with relative links only.

btw in the end works fine, thank you for your nice solution!

Hello, i'm having some issue with your nice script.
I tried to force (via Inspector) a rel="external" in one of my external links and the css class successfully worked.

I think that should be an error in your jquery script, or maybe something different came up with latest jquery releases, so the code doesn't add this rel attribute to 'a' elements..

Do you have any suggestion for this problem?

btw Thanks a lot for your contribution, as you said i can't find many solution on the web!


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