Joined December 2013

Sean Goresht

Calgary, Canada

Posted to Bootstrap without all the debt over 1 year ago

@abitdodgy you're right in that you can use Bootstrap's classes to extend your own semantic markup. But the problem with that is that you are still going to compile all of bootstrap's bloated, unused styles.

@thomasdobber which is better: having repeated, bloated selectors in your stylesheet or having one place where everything happens? CSS was built for group selectors, and those are faster to render (less to parse). And if you're really that upset about long selectors, check out SCSS sourcemaps.

@zaus I've looked at semantic grid, and while it's better than Bootstrap, it doesn't use mixins, and browser support is spotty. Sometimes they'll support FF2 with -moz-box-shadow</code>, and other times they'll just use box-shadow</code>. I understand that using mixins causes increased coupling, but it saves us the trouble of having to remember which prefixes to write out. It saves us time, and obviously in situations like this one in Semantic UI.

@bingeboy thanks for the link. I should then point out that Semantic UI uses unperformant selectors (namely CSS3). Check out <a href = "" title = "last-child selector" target = "blank">header.less</a>, <a href = "" title = "CSS3 Not Pseudoselector" target = "blank">grids.less</a>, amongst others. We know, in particular, that the <a href = "" title = "Not Pseudoselector is slow" target = "_blank">:not</code> pseudoselector is super slow</a>. But that being said, Semantic Grid is still better in terms of its selectors (though they could be grouped for more readable code).

Overall, I think this article explains the resulting technical debt of using Bootstrap. I am <a href = "" title = "Why You Should Stop Using Bootstrap Presentation" target = "_blank">mentioning this in my presentation on why you should stop using bootstrap</a>.

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