So does this use a non-AMD version of lodash? I've tried dropping in the AMD version with little success (because Backbone tries to require('underscore') if it doesn't find a _ global)
Check out Marionette. It's got a CollectionView and an ItemView built-in (among other useful tools)
This works in insert mode too! Also useful in insert mode: inserting from the "=" register, which lets you insert the result of vim commands.
That's...not actually "just HTML". That's inline CSS, which is usually not recommended. Most web designers recommend that HTML be used for page structure and semantics while styling be kept to external CSS stylesheets.
Does this introduce any noticeable slowdown when changing directories?
Less of a protip and more of a "rudimentary basics of Linux system administration".
@anoras I'm gonna have to use this in the future.
Another alternative:
sed -i 's/find_this/replace_with_this/g'
parent/directory/*/.rb there a protip in here somewhere?
What's the output of this look like? Any examples?
Linux user here: I don't have pbcopy, and I don't see it in Ubuntu's repos. Since Ubuntu is one of the more common Linux distros, I think it's safe to say that this is not common to many unix users.
So where is pbcopy available? OSX?
also works, from my experience.
Alternatively, just use the .toggle(function(), function()) method.
Well, this is odd. Looks like Coderwall munged the "at" in the decorators into links. weird.
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