Joined April 2013
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Sensible console.log
over 1 year
Good point. I guess we're not doing debugging correctly ;)
Ours only covers the IE issue, rather than addressing logging based on the environment, I guess I didn't read your post carefully enough.
Wouldn't your solution require developers to use log() rather than console.log() though? Could the same solution be achieved by extending console.log rather than creating a new function (forgetting for a moment that leaving logging statements in is doing it wrong), and assuming developers will use it?
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Sensible console.log
over 1 year
Neat solution. We assume that logging shouldn't be on in production, so at the top of our included javascript we have the following to prevent IE errors:
var console = console || { log: function() {} };
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@nathansmith Wow, you put a lot more effort into that than I did!
Makes sense though, if console.log is native to the browser it shouldn't be able to be overridden. Would probably open a few security holes if third-party code could override core browser methods.
Currently we minify our JS before caching it, so I think for us the best solution would be to strip logging during that process. Unfortunately we still need to provide a fake console.log method for IE browsers because we can't control whether or not third-party ads will contain logging calls (and they fairly frequently do, unfortunately).
All that said, I like your approach. If only I could get the rest of our team on board :)