Nice tip! By the way, why not just check for the existence of xsel
and the non-existence of pbcopy
if ! which pbcopy >/dev/null && which xsel >/dev/null; then
alias ...
Thanks! I don't think there's a need to style :before
The "fallback" is letting the element show unblurred :)
I believe you can also use :nth-chilld(even)
and :nth-child(odd)
. :)
Thanks! Might be fair to mention that the value is in milliseconds since epoch, unlike the seconds you might be used to.
Curious: why <Left><C-[>
and not <Esc>
This has the caveat that .innerHTML
with new tags will not work. This means that these examples will fail:
document.getElementById('hello').innerHTML = '<section>Yo!</section>';
To solve this as well, just use html5shiv.
<!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="dist/html5shiv.js"></script><![endif]-->
@brokenseal There are legitimate uses for type coercing strings to integers. For instance, HTML attributes from the DOM are always strings, if you need it as a number, you'll still need to cast it.
@passcod Thanks for the tip on +"023"
! One case this won't cover though is when you're working on a string with numbers and letters, with one typical case being parseInt("32px", 10)
Thanks! and brew install tig
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Lack of support for nested media queries is still a bummer. And "is better" is hard to quantify—Stylus doesn't support things like conditionals and loops (if you ever need that sort of thing).
I also miss the
mix(red, green, 50%)
function of Sass.Nonetheless, I personally do use Stylus quite often as I love the syntax as well!