Joined May 2013


Platform Manager at Oxford University Press

Posted to Bower and Rails. Friends forever. over 1 year ago

Also worth adding that you can easily set up as @hauleth suggests with rake tasks to really get Bower fully integrated into Rails with this gem. Which funnily defaults to the vendor folder (but allows you to override it to wherever if required).

Posted to Bower and Rails. Friends forever. over 1 year ago

@hauleth I would argue that actually the convention proves that app/assets is the right place, as Bower doesn't really strictly fit into the Rails asset pipeline, and you could suggest that because of that it counts as application assets... Anyhoo, each to their own devices, for our teams needs this solution works as our front end staff like Bower and some of the elder Rails heads don't want to touch it (and equally don't want it touching their areas). When it comes to prototyping this provides us with the right flexibility, which was the initial intention of the piece.

I would stress to anyone that has got this far in reading the comments to ensure that they don't take any instruction as gospel and find how to make it work for their specific needs!

Posted to Bower and Rails. Friends forever. over 1 year ago

@hauleth is there a reason NOT to use this folder?

Personally I find having it outside of the Rails world better as it is less likely to conflict. Also it gives us a higher level of control when it comes to ignoring the main vendors folder for Git and leave the Bower assets within Git as you are less likely to find a Rails dev who is clued up with Bower.

I do say that you should use the folder that works for you....

Posted to Meteor Starter Pack over 1 year ago

No probs. MiniPage is a winner!

Posted to Meteor[ite] on Cloud9 over 1 year ago

Hey Kuzmin,

I actually moved from Cloud9 over to as that has support for Meteor (and a lot of other awesome things) straight out of the box. You can sign up for the public beta for free and dive right in:

Not sure where their prices are going to go when they go live, but you would imagine they would have to see C9 as the benchmark.

If that isn't a move you are able to make let me know, and I will endeavour to spend some time to produce a more up to date and detailed solution. Just to answer your point, Meteorite actually copies Meteor to the machine on launch. If you are getting any specific errors send them over


PS I have absolutely no affiliation to Nitrous!!

Posted to Using time in Meteor over 1 year ago

That sure is purty looking syntax. Will be sure to check it out.

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