Joined May 2011

Robson Mendonça

Co-founder & Software Architect at HardFun Studios
Brasil, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre

Hi! Thanks for the tip, it was very helpful. But I've found a problem with it, the second Heroku call needs to be wrapped in backticks or $(). So would be something like this:

$ heroku pg:backups restore $(heroku pg:backups public-url --app PRODUCTION) --app STAGING

Best regards.

Posted to Bootstrap without all the debt over 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing these thoughts. It just blowed my mind! O_O

I think this tip is not just for Bootstrap, but for any other framework, just like UJS for javascript, this looks like a UCSS (Unobtrusive CSS) for me. What means that can be used anywhere. =D


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