Joined April 2012

Trevor N. Suarez

Software Engineer
Denver, CO

Posted to Pretty format XML in Vim over 1 year ago

Yea, I'm honestly not sure what the benefit is here. Maybe it has support for more modern styling or attributes. Otherwise, not sure. :/

Posted to Pretty format XML in Vim over 1 year ago

gg=G is one less keystroke, and actually doesn't require holding shift twice (for the colon and dollar sign). :)

@steve-Jansen yea, several languages do. Python does, etc., but that's far from the point isn't it?

@bungle Its certainly possible. If you'd like to see how those perform, you're welcome to modify the code, as the source is here:

Posted to PHP Array Empty? over 1 year ago

@mbarzda exactly. Simple to understand, but I can understand how it would trip someone up if they haven't run into it before.

Posted to Don't be a jerk, organize your code. over 1 year ago

This is great, except for the blurb on PHP class file naming conventions. When it comes to naming PHP class files, the file names and directory hierarchy should follow the PSR-0 standard[1]. Why? Its a standard, its widely adopted, it actually makes sense, and it let's you stop worrying about making those decisions yourself (and lets you just worry about coding). ;)

As far as code style and indentation go for PHP, its highly suggested that developers follow the PSR-2 standard[2]... even if its a little different than what people are used to, for the same reasons above as using PSR-0.


Posted to $ git pull my finger over 1 year ago

haha. wtf?

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