Joined July 2013

Przemysław Pokrywka

Wrocław, Poland

@yoyomobli correct, but how will you do that is up to you: either you implement the abstract members directly or you mix in a trait, that already implements those.

@yoyomobli correct, but how will you do that is up to you: either you implement the abstract members directly or you mix in a trait, that already implements those.

@yoyomobli correct, but how will you do that is up to you: either you implement the abstract members directly or you mix in a trait, that already implements those.

@yoyomobli correct, but how will you do that is up to you: either you implement the abstract members directly or you mix in a trait, that already implements those.

@yoyomobli correct, but how will you do that is up to you: either you implement the abstract members directly or you mix in a trait, that already implements those.

@yoyomobli correct, but how will you do that is up to you: either you implement the abstract members directly or you mix in a trait, that already implements those.

@yoyomobli correct, but how will you do that is up to you: either you implement the abstract members directly or you mix in a trait, that already implements those.

@yoyomobli correct, but how will you do that is up to you: either you implement the abstract members directly or you mix in a trait, that already implements those.

@yoyomobli correct, but how will you do that is up to you: either you implement the abstract members directly or you mix in a trait, that already implements those.

@yoyomobli correct, but how will you do that is up to you: either you implement the abstract members directly or you mix in a trait, that already implements those.

@yoyomobli correct, but how will you do that is up to you: either you implement the abstract members directly or you mix in a trait, that already implements those.

Hi. I wanted to refer to the "Why not use extends" section. Cake can be actually used with "extends" instead of self type annotations. Precog folks do it. You just need to 1) inherit from a purely abstract trait and 2) mix in its concrete implementation using "with" later on.

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