Popular Programming Tips
Reseting pointer-events on IE11
Robson Sobral
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Sanitizing queries with "IN" clauses with $wpdb on WordPress
Felipe Lavín Z.
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php, mysql, wordpress
Dead-simple (Office Monitor) Dashboard
Jim Remsik
2 responses
twitter, dashboard, analytics, simple
The treacherous journey from Pantheon to localhost
Nicholas Kramer
6 responses
mysql, drupal, http, mamp
Mocking URLConnection
Diego Garcia
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android, java
generating release notes from Git commits
Rob Friesel
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git, release notes
Export an SVN repo to a web directory using the command-line
Jasdeep Khalsa
0 responses
shell, svn, subversion, command-line
Parsing Xml in C#
Mokhtar Ashour
0 responses
xml, linq, c#
The type name 'X' does not exist in the type 'Y.X'
Edmund Kump
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.net, csharp, wcf
Time tracking with Google Spreadsheets
Roman Rader
0 responses
google, javascript, gas
Nice Bootstrap based css checkboxes
Scott Guymer
1 response
css, bootstrap
Auto-Generate Twitter Bootstap Carousel Indicators
Eddie Staples
6 responses
bootstrap, javascript, jquery
How to configure Doctrine 2 with CodeIgniter PHP
Jose Luis Quintana
3 responses
php, codeigniter, doctrine2
Python: hashlib and Unicode?
Alessandro Balzano
0 responses
python, unicode, hashlib
Remove whitespace changes from diff in github
Sam Knight
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git, github
How and Why I Switched Away From Doit.im
David Hilowitz
11 responses
tips, javascript, doit.im, gtd
Implementing a Pedometer using accelerometer data
Brian Bosh
0 responses
mobile, accelerometer, pedometer, java
Case statement for Rails Enum
1 response
ruby, rails, rails 4.1
Including relational data in a query (Parse.com)
Yamill Vallecillo
3 responses
parse, underscore, data, query
Improved jQuery UI accordion widget that can have multiple panels open
Al Chou
0 responses
jquery, ui, accordion
Run Selenium with latest Firefox versions
Emanuel Coelho
0 responses
selenium, firefox, python