Popular Programming Tips
MySQL SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS for pagination performance
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
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mysql, performance, pagination
How to save a pdf file with its annotations in Objective-C
Juan Fernández Sagasti
3 responses
cocoa, ios, pdf, cocoa touch
Copy selection to clipboard in Terminator
Auke Willem Oosterhoff
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shell, terminator
Keybindings for MacOSX users on iTerm2
Willy Barro
5 responses
macosx, cursor, iterm, option delete
How to check the element type of an event target with jQuery
Ion D. Filho
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type check, jquery
Javascript to Java Bridge
Mitchell Turner
1 response
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Confide CSS Blur Filter into Bounds
Sharon Sitti
0 responses
css3, filters, blur
Java Auto Completion in Sublime Text
Matthew Zeman
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Serving protected static content using nginx for speed and Rails server for authentication
Samuel Chow
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ruby, rails, nginx, thin
Unbuffered output with ansible in jenkins
Lorin Hochstein
1 response
jenkins, ansible
Angular — Using RequireJs (AMD)
0 responses
amd, requirejs, angular
How to check who/what is connected to your PostgreSQL database?
Błażej Kosmowski
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session, connection, database, postgresql
Why JSON5?
Ray Ch
2 responses
json, yaml, json5
Share VPN through Android WIFI hotspot
Emilio Blanco
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vpn, android, tethering
Problem verifying if a user is authenticated in AngularJS
Mandingo Brown
3 responses
authentication, javascript, angular, angularjs
Saving better SVG files
Ryan Roberts
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svg, optimization, optimisation, illustrator
Waiting for Tasks that return values
Craig Gleadall
0 responses
.net, async, tasks, webforms
Git Repository - failed to push some refs
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
bare, git, shared, permission
Keyboard Shortcuts on a Novation Launchpad
James Dullaghan
0 responses
keyboard, fun, keyboard shortcuts, tech
Flushing nscd DNS cache
Jon Tai
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Recursive merge/flatten objects in plain old vanilla Javascript
Mike Timofiiv
0 responses
merge, recursive, javascript, flatten
bower: command not found
Vasiliy Zubach
2 responses
fix, fail, install, bower
Comparing Floating Point Integers In Golang
Ivan Sim
0 responses
ivanhcsim, golang, go
Scala 2.10's scala.util.Try error handling.
Brian Hsu
1 response
scala, error handing, try
3D Buttons in CSS
Elad Shechter
1 response
css, css3, web design