Popular Programming Tips
Sending emails from a WordPress site on localhost
Isuru Nanayakkara
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How to setup your Mac to build Single Page Applications with AngularJS and Neo4J
Francesco Gallarotti
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nodejs, npm, mac os x, neo4j
Disable Google Maps scrolling on mobile layout
Kenny Brijs
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Mysql: Convert encoding to UTF8 without garbled data
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mysql, utf8, import, encoding
How to turn on Chrome DevTools experiments
Eric Allam
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chrome, devtools, canary
Ruby Array.except
Nick DeSteffen
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ruby, array
How to create debian package from source
Alex Lushpai
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linux, debian
Git is cheap !
Thomas Riboulet
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Save your company's ass - Launch a static "emergency mode" site on S3
Jonathan Block
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[PHP] String Length, The Right Way
Samer Moustafa
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php, string, sequence, length
Heroku deployment without the app being at the repo root (in a subfolder)
Darian Moody
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python, heroku, django
Create a JSON RESTfull API using Slim framework
Jonathan Tavares
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php, api, json, slim
How to Become a Better Developer
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Google Fonts using @fontface in your .css
Kimb Jones
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css, webfonts, web, fontface
When to use Sass mixins, extends and variables
Rachel Nabors
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css, scss, sass
Smooth Scrolling without jQuery
Hasen el Judy
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animations, promises, javascript
Use Twitter Bootstrap in Symfony2 with Composer
Joeri Verdeyen
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php, composer, twitter-bootstrap, assetic
Pretty print JSON with native Javascript
Felipe Elias Philipp
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json, pretty print, javascript
Rails 4: Allow your site to be iframed by another site.
Robbie Marcelo
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rails, iframe, clickjacking, rails4
installing npm packages on Windows
Harshad Kale
4 responses
express, npm, jade, windows
How to combine AngularJS and HTML5 canvas
Matjaz Muhic
0 responses
angularjs, canvas, html5, javascript
Installing PHP 5.4, MySQL, PhpMyAdmin and Nginx on Mac using Homebrew
15 responses
php, mysql, mac, nginx