Popular Programming Tips
Simple implementation of MailChimp API to subscribe user
0 responses
php, mailchimp, mailchimp api, landing page
UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes Subclass
Brian Michel
0 responses
cocoa, ios, objective-c, uicollectionview
Get puma jungle scripts working with rvm
Johannes Opper
1 response
rails, nginx, puma, capistrano
Ruby operators, names, aliases and uses
Adan Alvarado
0 responses
ruby, operators, operator names, operator symbols
Creating images from JSON in Rails
Ian Whitney
1 response
ruby, rails, imgkit
Build Ruby 2.0.0-p0 on OS X using rbenv
eddie cianci
3 responses
ruby, osx, openssl, rbenv
Quick Formatting of Credit Card Numbers
Paris Xavier Pinkney
0 responses
objective-c, cocoa, ios, xcode
Authenticating Rails Apps - Don't go it alone
Timothy Marks
13 responses
ruby, rails, auth
Push new project to Github
Arthur Chang
2 responses
github, git
Switch from SublimeText/TextMate to Vim
Jared McFarland
8 responses
vim, programming, text editing
Authenticate a Grails app via Tomcat when using Spring-security
Greg Schueler
0 responses
groovy, authentication, grails, spring-security
Vim command to convert variable into spec let(:var)
Christian Schlensker
0 responses
ruby, vim, code, minitest
Disable the annoying suspend feature for a virtual machine in VMware Fusion
Philipp Haußleiter
0 responses
vmware, fusion, suspend, anti-feature
Play sounds with javascript
Connor Leech
0 responses
javascript, sound.js
test subdomain more easier locally
2 responses
rails, subdomain
Install rubies with Rbenv
0 responses
ruby, rvm, rbenv
Your GitHub URLs should be timeless
Mislav Marohnić
1 response
vim, url, bookmarklet, git
Chose iOS Simulator via command line
Ignacio Calderon
0 responses
simulator, cli, automation, command
Assign Multi Vars to the same value in PHP
0 responses
php, variables, simpletip
Ruby: Converting date from one timezone to another
Matthew Riddle
0 responses
ruby, time, date, datetime
Update wordpress without FTP
Mike Lyons
0 responses
php, permissions, apache, server
CSS grayscale
Chris Wilson
1 response
css, style, w3c, grayscale
Pretty JSON for humans
Wynn Netherland
15 responses
ruby, api, json, ux
FusedLocationProviderApi doesn't work without network location provider: use SettingsApi for checking and setting up user's configuration
0 responses
android, fusedlocationproviderapi, settingsapi
Remove the ugly splits separator
0 responses
vim, window, split