Popular Programming Tips
Easy and beautiful Rails logs
Ruben Ascencio
4 responses
rails, logs, pow, grc
JSON API response for 'No route matches'
Marvin Marcelo
0 responses
ruby, api, json, rails3
Build a Vagrant CentOS 6.4 base box
Ismail Dhorat
0 responses
oracle, vagrant, centos, ansible
Optimizing Mongo Object Ids
Adam Chambers
0 responses
mongodb, database, nosql
Burn your CPU for fun & profit
Stanislaw Pusep
2 responses
shell, cpu, benchmark
alias "gti=git"
Tobias Otte
3 responses
shell, git, bash
Laravel hidden ID
2 responses
php, laravel, id, tokens
Subclassing JavaScript's Array class
Sam Slotsky
3 responses
array, coffeescript, javascript, inheritance
Play YouTube video from terminal to Chromecast
Balazs Nadasdi
10 responses
zsh, youtube, bash, chromecast
Remove ugly #_=_ string from URL when using Facebook OmniAuth
John jensen
1 response
ruby, rails, facebook, js
Angular Testing Setup
0 responses
karma, angular
Changing browser console context to an iframe in Firefox/IE
Tieg Zaharia
2 responses
console, browser, js, iframe
Backup your Rails DB
Rajeev N Bharshetty
1 response
ruby, rails, gem, backup
Custom Log Location in Rails
Stephen Orens
0 responses
ruby, rails, logging
Hot Reloading Angular 1.x Controllers, Services and templates with a Webpack loader
0 responses
javascript, angular, es6, hot module reloading
Running rootless fail2ban on debian
Jinn Koriech
2 responses
iptables, fail2ban, xt_recent
Continue a partial download with wget
Tim Morgan
0 responses
web, download, wget
Installing rmagick 2.13.1 in MacOS X Mavericks
1 response
ruby, rails, osx, mac
Change icon of Sublime Text 2
Fabiano Leite
0 responses
osx, icon, sublime text 2, fabianoleite
Simplest way to do two-finger rotation on Android
Anuraag Sridhar
1 response
java, android
A Hover Effect with jQuery or CSS3
Hovaness Bartamian
3 responses
jquery, css3, ui, design
Integrating Coveralls.io with a Node.js Project
Ben Sheldon
0 responses
testing, nodejs, coveralls
Ignoring .gitignore files in Unite.vim
Zach Gotsch
6 responses
vim, unite, ag