Popular Programming Tips
jQuery File Upload + Rails + CarrierWave Application Example
Christopher Fernández
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ruby, rails, file, carrierwave
Make Git ignore Filemode changes
Danny Englander
1 response
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How to make one of "has_many :through" associations primary
Cristian Andrei
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rails, associations, has_many
Fix OS X Mavericks homebrew $PATH issue
Jun Lin
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os x, homebrew, mavericks
Expose Previous Values in Mongoose
Josey Morton
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middleware, mongo, mongoose, nodejs
Mongoid: Remove unnecessary properties from documents
Maciej Smoliński
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ruby, mongodb, type, mongoid
Genetic Programming in Python
Joshua Moore
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python, genetic programming
Sublime text 2 usefull python snippets
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python, sublime text 2, snippets
How to get elasticsearch to work after latest OSX java upgrade
Matthew Deiters
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osx, elasticsearch, java
iTerm2 tab names and colors
Jason Rogers
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iterm2, bash
Get dates from week number
Lee Xiang Wei
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php, datetime
Postgres JSONB custom UserType in Hibernate
Yun Zhi Lin
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json, jackson, database, hibernate
iOS Simulator log in terminal, instead of Xcode
Paweł Ksieniewicz
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terminal, ios, xcode
Vagrant tweaks to make it more like your local command line app
Laura Davis-Robeson
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terminal, vagrant, iterm, bash
Using Code Climate's new test reporter together with Coveralls and SimpleCov's HTML Formatter
Wei-Meng Lee
2 responses
ruby, rails, testing, simplecov
C#: Query Excel and .CSV Files Using LinqToExcel
John Atten
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data, linq, c#, ms excel
Jersey 2 Custom Injection of Method Parameters
Miel Donkers
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rest, di, jersey 2
Sandboxing Ruby
Félix Saparelli
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ruby, jruby, sandbox
Using source maps for Stylus today
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
5 responses
css, stylus
Front-end on Ubuntu? Why not?
Piotr Krzoska
10 responses
linux, front-end, ubuntu