Popular Programming Tips
Resize image to fill or to fit depending on orientation with CarrierWave and RMagick
Javier Cuevas
1 response
ruby, rails, carrierwave, rmagick
Visual Studio 2013/2012 enhanced scroll bar and code preview
Panod K
0 responses
visual basic, c#, visual studio 2012, visual studio 2013
Send mail to your Gmail with MAMP Pro
Robin van der Vleuten
0 responses
php, mamp, gmail, mail
Cache your partials, not the other way around.
Kamil Tusznio
4 responses
ruby, rails, caching, jbuilder
Enable apache writable files with Vagrant
Stephan Steynfaardt
3 responses
apache, vagrant
Using bundler with rbenv & homebrew
Eugeniy Belyaev
0 responses
ruby, bundler, rbenv
How to generate test files for uploading during development or troubleshooting
Tim Fernihough
5 responses
web, command line, unix
Changing Rails' Default link_to Text Color
Sharon Hunter
0 responses
css, rails, link_to
Get the head version of a package with Homebrew on OS X
Adam Lau
0 responses
osx, homebrew
Photoshop window stuck
Jeremy Rice
0 responses
mac, photoshop, os x
Hello world! with Sinatra
Guilio Karadanais - sativaware.co.za
1 response
ruby, api, json, sinatra
CSS3 box-shadow & border-radius in IE6,7,8
Kimb Jones
0 responses
css3, ie7, ie8, ie6
Wait until animation is finished with WebDriver and Geb
Krzysztof Jelski
0 responses
selenium, webdriver, jquery, geb
Running PHP apps alongside Rails apps in Pow (pow.cx)
Michiel Sikkes
1 response
ruby, php, rack, pow
Multiple text-shadow function in SASS
Kushagra Gour
0 responses
css, 3d, sass
Auto-format key binding in Sublime Text 2
Piper Chester
1 response
sublime, key bindings, auto-format
Calculate your age in years, days, hours, minutes, seconds in ruby
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, rails, script, code
How to kill all Postgres connections
Mikael Henriksson
3 responses
Create Break Points in Rails with Pry
JD Isaacks
3 responses
ruby, rails, debugging, pry
Function Syntax in Clojure
Chris Woodford
0 responses
clojure, syntax, anonymous function shorthand, function syntax