Popular Programming Tips
Resize an image in android to a given width
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android, file, image, scale
Add query string params/arguments to any WordPress URL
Michiel Sikkes
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php, wordpress
Create new github repo from command line
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shell, curl, git, raineorshine
WinMerge as git difftool on Windows
Henrique Oliveira
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git, difftool, winmerge
SVG ClipPath images
Marco Sors
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html, images, design, svg
Fix apt on old unsupported Ubuntu releases
James Wyse
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fix, apt, errors, ubuntu
Extract Unique Lines in Sublime Text 2
Kevin Suttle
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sublime, text, 2
Use NFS to speed up your Vagrant
Anton Kalyaev
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performance, virtualbox, vagrant
Ruby: the differences between dup & clone
Matt Aimonetti
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ruby, dup, clone, copy objects
Ruby on Rails Flash messages with Bootstrap
James Brooks
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rails, flash, bootstrap
Customize the Back Button of UINavigationItem in the Navigation Bar
Daniel Brajkovic
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xcode, ios, objective-c
A Software Architect
Chris Eppstein
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architect, programming
+ or .concat, what is faster for appending string in Ruby?
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ruby, string, operator, .concat
Give your Python program a shell with the cmd module
Austin Keeley
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python, shell, command line, module
Simple way to insert a string into another string at any position in PHP
Djamel Eddine Feddad
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php, string, insert, substr_replace
Exclude files/folders in Sublime Text
Chi Cong Nguyen
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sublime, sublimetext, text
Return http status code in asp.net mvc
Sebastian Bušek
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asp.net mvc, c#, http status code
Driving a SainSmart relay with Raspberry Pi
Craig McNamara
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raspberry pi, maker, electronics
ng-repeat $index for a form field array (ie add new option)
Ezekiel Kigbo
5 responses
html, angularjs, forms, javascript