Fancy up your command line!
If you're using zsh, you can easily use one of the community themes to get git information on your command line. Here's what mine looks like:
In addition to the typical things like username, hostname and current folder, I also threw in the Ruby version, git branch, whether there are new files in the repo, modified files, staged files, and whether the git branch is behind the origin's.
I just set most of these up today, but I think the last one will be the most useful.
If you want to use it in ZSH, here's my theme.
I suggest you set one up yourself though. It'll only take an hour or so to get it perfect and you'll have exactly what you're looking for.
For inspiration, set your theme to "random" in your ~/.zshrc and just keep opening new terminals to see what's out there, then check out the themes to figure out how they got all that cool stuff. Also, google for unicode to find cool symbols to use.
If you're using bash, this stuff is still available to edit in your PS1. Here's some instructions on how to set that up.
Written by dickeyxxx
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4 Responses

You link to oh-my-zsh[1] for theme help but never mention it by name, and I think that's an oversight. omz is a fantastic project for any ZSH user, and it provides far more than just themes[2].

tbh I haven't used anything other than the themes. I should definitely play around with it though. Any specific plugins I gotta have?

Link broken, this might fit?