Keep you updated about new Android stuff
It exists a lot of different sources to get great tips and what's new in the android ecosystem.
This protip will try to list them and explain to you how I manage to keep myself updated with the latest content.
I want this protip to be collaborative so please if you know other resources, comment at the end and I'll add them.
> Design
- androiduiux : excellent articles about do/don't in Android UI/UX
- androiduipatterns : articles about UI patterns
- stylingandroid : how to customize Android elements such as ViewPager, ActionBar...
- androidniceties : list of the best looking app available, excellent for inspiration!
- : android official design guidelines
Redesign of old apps the HOLO way
> Code
- cyrilmottier : great articles, mostly about UX
- commonsware : various stuff about android dev (protips, libraries...)
- theultimateandroidlibrary : a list of the best android libraries available
- androidviews : collection of Android views (thanks @pareshmayani!)
Official channels
A resume of what happened in the android world this week, often you'll already know about everything but sometimes you can find an interesting library and/or article you've missed
> Social network
- @commonsguy : protips
- @cyrilmottier : Android Google Developer Expert 2012, post a lot of little protips
- @JakeWharton : author of ActionBarSherlock and ViewPagerIndicator, post update about its projects and Square's one.
(thanks @lehtimaeki!)
- +Paul Burke : Android app designer and developer
- +Chris Banes : dev of Friendcaster for Android and author of great libs such as PullToRefresh and PhotoView
- +Wolfram Rittmeyer : Android dev, write posts too
- +Cyril Mottier : author of GreenDroid and Polaris
- +Al Sutton : Android dev at OUYA
- +Taylor Ling : Android UI/UX Enthusiast
- +Guenther Beyer : creator of androidicons
- +Chris Lacy : developer of Tweet Lanes
Android team:
> My personal technique
Most of the devs who wrote on the blogs I've listed above are on Twitter and post frequently using #androiddev. If you check the androiddev hashtag once or twice a day, you should get all the new and fresh stuff (usually two or three interesting links a day).
Written by Florian Mierzejewski
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5 Responses
I'd definitely recommend following Android stuff on Google+ if you really want to be part of the discussion. There's a really active community and the discussion is very useful.
Thanks for the mention :)

@lehtimaeki Good point! I'm not really into G+ right now but I often see good debate about android dev, do you have some G+ profile to share ?
@florianmski Sure. There's of course all the Android dev advocates who are very active there:
Then there are hundreds of Android devs who actively participate to discussions with tons of experience. They are too numerous to be listed here but here are few:
Paul Burke:
Chris Banes:
Wolfram Rittmeyer:
Cyril Mottier:
Al Sutton:
Taylor Ling:
Guenther Beyer:
Chris Lacy:
and many many more.
Here i am suggesting one great website , having a collection of Android views in well presented manner.

@pareshmayani thanks! added!