Last Updated: February 06, 2019
· gchandra

Installing Neo4J Easily


Installing Neo4J on your local machine is just one line command.

$ docker run -it --name myneo --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 --volume=$HOME/neo4j/data:/data --volume=$HOME/neo4j/logs:/logs neo4j:3.0

–name myneo : Custom name for the container

–publish=7474:7474 : Mapping Neo4J web port to local port

–publish=7687:7687 : Bolt connection (optional)

–volume=$HOME/neo4j/data : Creates a new folder under home folder and syncs docker containers data folder

–volume=$HOME/neo4j/logs : Creats a new folder under home folder and syncs docker containers log folder

neo4j:3.0 : name & version of neo4j image

Once container is ready, fire up your browser and type


default username and password neo4j / neo4j

After login it will prompt to change your password.