Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· arunoda

Discover Meteor DDP in Realtime

Original Article: Discover Meteor DDP in Realtime

Today I will show you a tool that helps me immensely to understand Meteor internals and DDP.
DDP is the protocol Meteor uses to communicate between client and the sever. It's a very simple and tiny protocol. But it's somewhat tough to look at DDP messages being generated while you're using your app.

Meet DDP Analyzer

Meteor DDP analyzer comes with a DDP proxy which proxies your app's DDP requests and dump them into the console.
With DDP analyzer, you can see DDP messages that are being generated, when you are using your app.

Meteor DDP Analyzer in Action

how to use the DDP analyzer

  • install it from npm - sudo npm install -g ddp-analyzer
  • start the proxy - ddp-analyzer-proxy
  • Then start your meteor app as shown below

apply these commands in the console.

export DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL=http://localhost:3030

DDP Analyzer is OpenSouced(as usual) and hosted on Github.

See More: Discover Meteor DDP in Realtime