Use CMake-enabled libraries in your CMake project (III)
In this protip I explain how our library can be included in other projects without having to install it. We will generate a config file that will work regardless the library is installed or not.
Note: read the previous articles for context: I and II.
If you read my previous article and its follow-up, it should be pretty easy to have a multi-library project up and running,
despite all the boilerplate code. But how we get it to be easy to integrate in other multi-library projects? The mechanics to allow others to find your library are easy: furnish a file named <name>-config.cmake
, <name>Config.cmake
or Find<name.cmake
in your package, set variables in it telling where to find the libraries, headers, etc, and you're done. But how to write a config file that is relocatable and works both when you install your library or when you use only its sources?
This is a description of what worked for me. I ommit the CMake code not related to the configuration file generation.
I'll assume that the package I'm configuring is called "foo". The paths between angle brackets have to be
replaced by custom paths to the corresponding files. foo_LIBRARIES
has to be defined as well with add_library/add_executable
First of all we'll make use of CMakePackageConfigHelpers:
include ( CMakePackageConfigHelpers )
This package allows us to write config files that can be relocated, that is to say, where paths are not hard-coded.
Next we can write the config file that will be used if the package is not installed:
# In my case the folder of includes can be any source folder,
# a practice very extended (in opposition to a single folder
# containing all the headers).
# Destination of the installed config files (relative path):
set ( CMAKE_CONFIG_DEST "share/cmake/Modules" )
# We configure our template. The template is described later.
configure_package_config_file (
# Important to write in CMAKE_BINARY_DIR if you want the registry
# mechanism to work:
# This file is included in our template:
export ( TARGETS foo_LIBRARIES FILE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/fooTargets.cmake" )
export ( PACKAGE foo )
To note that I use configure_package_config_file
but the plain-old configure_file would have worked as well here.
So far we have only written the part corresponding to the in-source use of our package, but we still have to write the configuration file that will be distributed and installed with our package. The process is similar to the previous one but a bit simpler:
# We redefine this variable, using this time a relative path:
set ( foo_INCLUDE_DIRS "include" )
# We write in the 'export' folder in order not to collide with
# the previous config file:
configure_package_config_file (
install (
EXPORT export
As you can appreciate, in-source and installed configurations are symmetric, almost the same, but still we have to use 2 different configuration files.
The only bit missing is the template
set_and_check ( foo_INCLUDE_DIRS "@PACKAGE_foo_INCLUDE_DIRS@")
include ( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/fooTargets.cmake" )
will be initialized by configure_package_config_file
and we just need to
set the variables of our project (using set_and_check
, defined in @PACKAGE_INIT@
) and include our targets.
I showed how we can generate two config files, one for in-source usage and another for "installed" usage. Nevertheless the two files use the same template and the creation of both files is almost identical. I hope in the future we can use the same config file for both cases. Also in the future I think we won't need to define our *_INCLUDE_DIRS
variable, making it even simpler.
I hope the protip was useful! How do you generate your config files? Can one do better?
Written by daniperez
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5 Responses

Little typos: *.cake
-> *.cmake

Fixed! After few hours writing "cmake" over and over again I didn't see the difference :-) Thanks!
I wrote a macro with that code. I didn't have time to add documentation and some "boundary" checks. An example of use can be found here (the write_config_file

Either it's too late for me and I need some sleep, or some information is missing here. I can't recreate the recipe you write about. Could you provide which code is placed in which directory and how the whole structure of the project should look?
What is the fooTargets.cmake
file? Is it generated?

Hi Rajish!
I agree it's a bit confusing. In the article I describe 2 files: I'm talking all the time about the main CMakeLists.txt file except at the end that I mention
. In any case, whereever I say "foo", you should replace that by the name of your project. Concretely, fooTargets.cmake
is a file that is generated in CMake's binary project folder (where makefiles and other intermediate config files are written) and it's used by
to locate our library targets. It will work regardless of configuring your project with in-source or installed libraries.

Hi! I'm following your recipe and I was able to generate the Targets.cmake file in my installation directory.
Something like:
* Project 1 -> build -> has Project1-config.cmake
-> install -> has Project1Targets.cmake
I want to call find_library
to this library from another project, but CMake doesn't find my install directory, but the *-config.cmake file in my build dir.
When building Project2 with CMake, I get this error:
File or directory D:/PROJECTS/Project1/include referenced
by variable PROJECT1_INCLUDE does not exist !
and the Project1DIR_ entry in the CMake-gui points to: D:/PROJECTS/Project1/build
where the Project1-config.cmake is.
If I manually select the install dir of Project1Targets.cmake, CMake will auto-select the build one.
I'm clueless about this. Do you have any idea?