Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· rizwaniqbal

Getting parent paths to work in Basset

I build my assets on Laravel 4 using [Basset][1]. Jason has done an excellent job documenting it, but there are a few caveats that slip through and haven't been mentioned.

I use a vanilla CSS stylesheet in my collection and the parent paths to images just won't work. I would get an error because after Basset builds assets, it stores them in a build directory inside your public folder. Even setting paths relative to build did not work.

This is how my collection was written:

'collections' => array(

        'application' => function($collection) {

            $directory = $collection->directory('assets/stylesheets', function($collection) {


After wasting a considerable time trying to look for an answer, I found the setArguments method.

'collections' => array(

        'application' => function($collection) {

            $directory = $collection->directory('assets/stylesheets', function($collection) {

This did the trick for me.
