Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· lauhakari

Quick: Set up Laravel 4 installation

This is just a simple little set up you can use to get Laravel 4 installed locally and pushed to it's own Github repo. You'll ned to have Git and Composer installed :)

Clone the Github repo and changed to folder (in this case laravel4-project, but name it what you like)

$ git clone -o laravel laravel4-project

$ cd laravel4-project

Move/rename master to laravel branch. Create new master branch with fresh history.

$ git branch --move master laravel

$ git checkout --orphan master

Add files and make your first commit.
You could also push this to your remote repository now.

$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Initial commit. Add Laravel Framework"

$ git remote add origin URL_OF_YOUR_GIT_REPO_HERE

Run composer install to "install" rest of laravel, or rather it's dependencies through composer.

$ php composer install

You can then run $ php artisan key:generate to generate the encryption key and finally
$ php artisan serve
(if your on PHP 5.4, otherwise check your localhost/laravel4-project/public.)


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