Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· kenergy

How to check what profile you have loaded

This handy dandy command is great when you have locked system preferences and need to see what profiles have loaded:

profiles -P -o stdout

Here are some other commands I dug up from the Man page:

profiles -I -F /testfile.configprofile
Installs the profile file ‘testfile.mobileconfig’ into current

profiles -R -F /profiles/testfile2.configprofile
Removes the profile file ‘/profiles/testfile2.mobileconfig’ into
the current user.

profiles -H
Returns whether or not configuration profiles are installed on
the system.

profiles -P
Displays information on all installed configuration profiles on
the system.

profiles -L
Displays information for installed profiles for the current

profiles -L -o /outputfile
Displays information for installed profiles for the current user
and sends the output as a dictionary to /outputfile.plist.

profiles -Lv
Displays extended information for installed configuration pro-
files for the current user.

profiles -D
Removes all configuration profile inforamtion on the system.
(see important caveat below)

profiles -R -p com.example.profile1 -z pass
Removes any installed profiles with the identifier com.exam-
ple.profile1 in the current user and using a removal password of