Last Updated: July 27, 2016
· phantom

Javascript cms

Javascript cms

This cms is written in javascript.
It use mongodb for database, nodejs (express) for server processing and angularjs for dom manipulation.
I will open source this under MIT licence.
Release: 0.0.1.

1. Articles adding, editing.
2. Categories adding, editing.
3. View users.
4. Contact form

Next will be implemented:
1. Pagination
2. User editing, adding
3. Reset password
4. Dynamic menu positions
5. Submenu
6. Sidebar categories on each article 7. Photogalery

Yes great but why its unique ???

This is experiment what javascript can do on frontend and backend. Because no one create a javascript cms with complete logic processing on frontend, in my case server dosent process html, it returns me a json objects which is unique case.

I wish to everyone happy coding :)))

3 Responses
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This looks great! I will be forking shortly. Thanks.

over 1 year ago ·

thanks jwebcat

over 1 year ago ·

I'm just pulling everything from Wordpress to avoid reinventing the wheel :)

over 1 year ago ·