Last Updated: August 08, 2017
· learningtocode

pdo query to sort the result depending on a common field of two tables

ok this is really tricky and i cant wrap my brains around it, it would be great fi you can help me with it,

i am trying to write a query using pdo that does the below,

  • get all the users of a formation including the user from the formation table
  • join with the team of each user
  • get the players of each team in that formation and calculate their score sum
  • sort the result by position (from both formation and users table position field) from first to last (1,2,3,4..)

What i tried in Code

function getFormation(Request $request, Response $response) {
    $id = $request->getAttribute('id');

$sql = "SELECT, u.formation, u.position FROM users AS u INNER JOIN formation AS f ON f.userid = INNER JOIN teams as t ON t.userid = WHERE = :id OR u.formation =:id";

try {
    $db = new db();
    $db = $db->connect();
    $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);

    $stmt->bindParam(":id", $id);


    $formation = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

    $db = null;

    if(empty($formation)) {
                "message":"Invalid Request"
    } else {
} catch(PDOException $e) {
            "message":'. $e->getMessage() .'

what i cannot make work is

  • joining the player table on which id should i join it ? i have 10
    players id in the teams table

  • calculating the sum of all players scores

  • sort the result by position (from both formation and users table
    position field) from first to last (1,2,3,4..)

result sample / data returned

formation position, formation user, total score 1(p1 score 1 + p2 score 1 + p3 score 1...), total score 2, total score 3, total score 4, total score 5, total score 6, team points

here is my db structure


formation table

  • "id" -> user created formation

  • "userid"

  • "position" -> user created formation position


users table

  • "id"

  • "formation" -> user joined formation

  • "position" -> user joined formation position


teams table

  • "id"

  • "userid"

  • "points"

  • "player1"

  • "player2"

  • "player3"

  • "player4"

  • "player5"

  • "player6"

  • "player7"

  • "player8"

  • "player9"

  • "player10"


players table

  • "id"
  • "score1"
  • "score2"
  • "score3"
  • "score4"
  • "score5"
  • "score6"