Last Updated: May 24, 2016
· oliveiragabriel07

XenServer Tips

Install xs-tools

  1. Open vm console
  2. Select xs-tools.iso on "DVD Drive 1"
  3. Enter commands bellow:
$ sudo -s
$ umount /media/cdrom
$ mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
$ dpkg -i /media/cdrom/Linux/xe-guest-utilities_(version)_amd64.deb

Auto-Start VM

Setting the XenServer to allow Auto-Start

  1. Gather the UUIDs of the pools you wish to auto-start:
  2. To get the list of the pools on your XenServer, run ´xe pool-list´
  3. Then type the following command to set the pool or server to allow auto-start:
$ xe pool-param-set uuid=UUID other-config:auto_poweron=true

Setting the Virtual Machines to Auto-Start

  1. Gather the UUIDs of the Virtual Machine you want to auto-start by running ´xe vm-list.´
  2. Copy the UUID of the Virtual Machines you want to auto-start, and run the following command for each Virtual Machine to auto-start:
$ xe vm-param-set uuid=UUID other-config:auto_poweron=true