Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· wowca

Magento REST API - POST Website IDs workaround

Since the Magento REST API for applying websites to products is currently bugged, use this workaround:

string websiteIds = @"{""0"":{""website_id"":""3""},""1"":{""website_id"":""4""}}";

2 Responses
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Where are you applying this fix? I see the same problem in Magento when I'm adding products using the REST API. I have changed the JSON in so many ways using their API page and neither of them work. I have 2 stores [websites] and when I add the product via REST, I need to be able to specify which website it goes into (website_id 1 or 2). You're the only person posting something about this.

over 1 year ago ·

Hey jolivetteme!

Can you please expand your question a bit? What do you mean by where am I applying this fix?

I can't look at the code tonight, but I can do it tomorrow at work.

over 1 year ago ·