Last Updated: August 17, 2017
· Eduardo Salas Bracho

Prestashop 1.7 Global Variables

{$urls.baseurl} -> Store address
url} -> Current address (url) where we are
{$urls.shopdomainurl} -> Store domain
{$urls.imgpsurl} -> Image root directory url
{$urls.imgcaturl} -> Url directory of images of the categories
{$urls.imglangurl} -> Url of the language images directory
{$urls.imgprodurl} -> Url of the product images directory
{$urls.imgmanuurl} -> Url directory of manufacturers images
{$urls.imgsupurl} -> Url of the providers directory
{$urls.imgshipurl} -> Url directory of images of carriers
{$urls.imgurl} -> Url of the image directory of the template
url} -> Template URL directory url
{$urls.jsurl} -> Template JS directory url
url} -> Url file directory uploaded
{$urls.pages.address} -> Url from the "My Address" section
{$urls.pages.addresses} -> Url from the "My addresses" section
{$urls.pages.authentication} -> Url section of the authentication page
{$urls.pages.cart} -> Cart section url (order summary)
{$urls.pages.category} -> Url section of categories
{$urls.pages.cms} -> Url of the content section
{$} - > Url section of the contact form
{$} -> Url of the discount voucher section
{$urls.pages.guesttracking} -> Tracking url for unregistered clients
{$urls.pages.history} -> Url from the order history section
{$urls.pages.identity} -> Url of the section "Personal data"
{$urls.pages.index} -> Page url
account} -> Url section of my account
{$urls.pages.orderconfirmation} -> Url section of the order confirmation page.
follow} - > Url in the "Order Tracking"
{$urls.pages.pagenotfound} -> Url of section "404 (Page not found)"
{$urls.pages.password} -> Url of the section "Recover Password"
{$urls.pages.pdfinvoice} ->
drop} -> Url section we lowered prices / products discount / discounts
{$urls.pages.product} -> Product tab url
{$} -> Url of the searcher section
{$urls.pages.sitemap} -> Site Map section url
{$urls.pages.stores} -> Url of the section "Shops / Our stores"
{$urls.pages.supplier} -> Url from the providers section
{$urls.pages.register} -> Url log page
assets} -> Url of the "assets" directory of the template / themes / template / assets /
{$urls.actions.logout} -> Url to close section in the store

{$} -> Store name in Prestashop 1.7
{$} -> Store Email in Prestashop 1.7
{$shop.logo} -> Image routing store logo in Prestashop 1.7
{$shop.favicon} -> Route favicon image of the store in Prestashop 1.7
{$shop.address.address1} -> Store address 1 in Prestashop 1.7
{$shop.address.address2} -> Store address 2 in Prestashop 1.7
{$shop.address.postcode} -> Store Zip Code in Prestashop 1.7
{$} -> Store City in Prestashop 1.7
{$shop.address.state} -> Province of the store in Prestashop 1.7
{$} -> Shop Country in Prestashop 1.7
{$} -> Store phone in Prestashop 1.7
{$shop.fax} -> Store Fax in Prestashop 1.7

{$customer.lastname} -> Customer Last Name in Prestashop 1.7
{$customer.firstname} -> Client Name Prestashop 1.7
{$} -> Prestashop Customer Email 1.7
{$customer.birthday} -> Prestashop client birthday 1.7
{$customer.newsletter} -> Subscribed to the newsletter in Prestashop 1.7 (1 subscribed / 0 unsubscribed)
{$customer.newsletterdateadd} -> Newsletter subscription date
{$customer.ipregistrationnewsletter} -> IP Registration Customers newsletter
{$customer.optin} -> Subscribed to offers from our partners in Prestashop 1.7
{$customer.dateadd} -> Client creation date in Prestashop 1.7
upd} -> Last updated client update in Prestashop 1.7
{$} -> Customer ID in Prestashop 1.7
{$customer.iddefaultgroup} -> Default group to which the client is associated in Prestashop 1.7
{$customer.islogged } -> Check if the client is "logged in" in Prestashop 1.7
{$ [$]} -> Client Gender (Mr / Ms)
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .city} -> Client city of address 'X' that has partner. (Address ID, because a client can theoretically have multiple addresses)
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .alias} -> Address alias
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .firstname} -> Addressholder last name
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .lastname} -> Name of address holder
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .company} -> Company name of address holder
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .address1} -> Address 1
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .address2} -> Address 2
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .postcode} -> Mailing address
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .id
state} -> Address Province ID
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .state} -> Province address
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .stateiso} -> ISO address province code
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .id
country} -> Country address ID
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .country} -> Country of address
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .countryiso} -> ISO country address code
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .phone} -> Address phone
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .phone
mobile} -> Mobile phone address
{$customer.addresses [ID Address] .dni} -> Address ID
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .vat_number} -> Customer VAT number
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .formatted} -> Client formatted address

{$} -> Language name enabled
{$language.isocode} -> ISO language code enabled
code} -> Language code enabled (for Spanish, fr for French, tc ..)
{$language.isrtl} -> (1 -> On / 0 Off (for when language is written from right to left)
lite} and {$ language.format_full} -> Simulated date format and full date format
{$} -> Language ID enabled

{$} -> Name of the active currency.
{$currency.isocode} -> ISO language code enabled.
{$currency.sign} -> Symbol of the active currency
code_num} -> Active Currency ISO Code