Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· pniemczyk

Sublime Keyboard Shortcuts


Keypress Command

  • Ctrl + Alt + A Align

  • Ctrl + Shift + H convert => to :

  • Ctrl + Alt +F Fromat html tags

  • Ctrl + Alt + K Beauty ruby code

  • Ctrl + Alt + R Format ruby code

  • Ctrl + Shift + ; Toggle string/symbol

  • Ctrl + Alt + J Pretty JSON

  • Ctrl + Shift + C CoffeeScript Compile

  • Ctrl + Shift + [ Ruby Block Toggle end to bracket

  • Ctrl + Shift + ] Ruby Block Toggle bracket to end

  • Ctrl + X Delete line

  • Ctrl + ↩ Insert line after

  • Ctrl + ⇧ + ↩ Insert line before

  • Ctrl + ⇧ + ↑ Move line/selection up

  • Ctrl + ⇧ + ↓ Move line/selection down

  • Ctrl + L Select line - Repeat to select next lines

  • Ctrl + D Select word - Repeat select others occurrences

  • Ctrl + M Jump to closing parentheses Repeat to jump to opening parentheses

  • Ctrl + ⇧ + M Select all contents of the current parentheses

  • Ctrl + KK Delete from cursor to end of line

  • Ctrl + K + ⌫ Delete from cursor to start of line

  • Ctrl + ] Indent current line(s)

  • Ctrl + [ Un-indent current line(s)

  • Ctrl + ⇧ + D Duplicate line(s)

  • Ctrl + J Join line below to the end of the current line

  • Ctrl + / Comment/un-comment current line

  • Ctrl + ⇧ + / Block comment current selection

  • Ctrl + Y Redo, or repeat last keyboard shortcut command

  • Ctrl + ⇧ + V Paste and indent correctly

  • Ctrl + Space Select next auto-complete suggestion

  • Ctrl + U soft undo; jumps to your last change before undoing change when repeated


Keypress Command

  • Ctrl + Alt + Up Column selection up

  • Ctrl + Alt + Down Column selection down


Keypress Command

  • Alt + ⇧ + Up Column selection up

  • Alt + ⇧ + Down Column selection up

Navigation/Goto Anywhere

Keypress Command

  • Ctrl + P Quick-open files by name

  • Ctrl + R Goto symbol

  • Ctrl + ; Goto word in current file

  • Ctrl + G Goto line in current file


Keypress Command

  • Ctrl + ⇧ + P Command prompt

  • Ctrl + KB Toggle side bar

  • Ctrl + ⇧ + Alt + P Show scope in status bar


Keypress Command

  • Ctrl + F Find

  • Ctrl + H Replace

  • Ctrl + ⇧ + F Find in files


Keypress Command

  • Ctrl + ⇧ + t Open last closed tab

  • Ctrl + PgUp Cycle up through tabs

  • Ctrl + PgDn Cycle down through tabs

  • Ctrl + ⇆ Find in files

  • Alt + [NUM] Switch to tab number [NUM] where [NUM] <= number of tabs

Split window

Keypress Command

  • Alt + ⇧ + 2 Split view into two columns

  • Alt + ⇧ + 1 Revert view to single column

  • Alt + ⇧ + 5 Set view to grid (4 groups)

  • Ctrl + [NUM] Jump to group where num is 1-4

  • Ctrl + ⇧ + [NUM] Move file to specified group where num is 1-4


Keypress Command

  • Ctrl + F2 Toggle bookmark

  • F2 Next bookmark

  • ⇧ + F2 Previous bookmark

  • Ctrl + ⇧ + F2 Clear bookmarks

Text manipulation

Keypress Command

  • Ctrl + KU Transform to Uppercase

  • Ctrl + KL Transform to Lowercase