Last Updated: November 06, 2017
· ganesshkumar

Docker remove all the version of particular image

Let's say that there is a docker image on your system with different tags.

$ docker images anapsix/alpine-java

REPOSITORY            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
anapsix/alpine-java   8_server-jre        acf12230afec        6 months ago        124MB
anapsix/alpine-java   8_jdk               9c7f038a489b        8 months ago        173MB
anapsix/alpine-java   8u121b13_jdk        2d0accb0e2f8        9 months ago        174MB

To remove all three images, you can use the following command

docker rmi `docker images anapsix/alpine-java | awk '{ print $3; }' | tail -n +2`