Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· xalgorithm

Drupal Quiz Multichoice and php.ini

Drupal Quiz is an excellent module. It provides a robust framwork for creating quiz's for the web. There is a very well crafted UI for creating questions, responses and all things quiz related. My troubles started when I was doing local development on my MacBook Pro. I had setup PHP with extra memory and a custom error log. However, I was not aware of maxinputvars - which deals with GET/POST/COOKIE variables. It's default is 1000 which, to me, seems reasonable - until you're using the multiple choice module with the ajax question creation UI. If you have more than 2 choices and want to add another, a json errors occurs.

Increasing maxinputvars to 2000, worked like a charm. I have not tested the limits of the multiple choice UI to see how many choices it would take to get above that 2000 var limit, so ymmv.