Last Updated: April 23, 2019
· chrissimpkins

Tagged Git Commit Log

Here is an awk augmented git log that will provide a list of your tagged git commits with an abbreviated commit hash and the subject of the commit:

git log --oneline --decorate=short | awk '/tag/ {print substr($3,0,(length($3)-1)) "\t" $1 "\t" ($1=$2=$3="") $0}'


$ git log --oneline --decorate=short | awk '/tag/ {print substr($3,0,(length($3)-1)) "\t" $1 "\t" ($1=$2=$3="") $0}'
v1.3.3       6d2a491       Refactored text handling
v1.3.2       7e35d5b       Merge branch 'development'
v1.3.1       307b457       Updated Python 2 vs 3 interpreter check
v1.3.0       61f43bf       Added support for Python 3.x