Last Updated: March 04, 2018
· madcello

fallback trashbin and log

I've screwed too many times deleting something from shell. And if I went to search the file from ~/.local/share/Trash/*, if a couple of days (or hours) were passed, i'd probably had forgot where were them before. So this script shadows rm command and logs what you were trying to delete to a better known location.

Add this to your .bashrc

    mkdir ~/.trashbin &> /dev/null
    for beep in "$@"
        echo "rm $beep from $PWD" >> ~/.trashbin/trashbin.log
        mv "$beep" ~/.trashbin

It supports multiple files, directories and wildcards. This allows you to delete your trashbin when you need it or restore it easier.

But I want my files to disappear. They can't be recoverable.

Well, remember shred command and use each when it's needed.

Improvements accepted. Thank you all for your contributions too.

Written by madcello

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