SASS/SCSS - Index Lookup in Loops
At the moment, SASS doesn't support 'hash' | key/value | dictionary | map structures (although it seems they will soon?). So, in order to have a clean implementation of something you'd do in Javascript like:
var colors : { red: 'rgb(rr,gg,bb)', blue: 'hsl(hh,ss,ll)', ... }
function setBgColor($el, color) {
$el.css('background-color', colors[color]);
you instead must use "paired" lists:
$list: 'first', 'second', 'fourth';
$colors: red blue green brown;
(Note that I've intentionally omitted third
Then, you could use either the SASS @each
or @for
loop like so:
@each $item in $list {
$i: index($list, $item);
.#{$item}-each {
color: nth($colors, $i);
.btn-each-#{$i} { color: red; } // not what you intend
@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
$item: nth($list, $i);
.#{$item}-for {
color: nth($colors, $i);
.btn-for-#{$i} { color: blue; } // not what you intend
Each results in the "same" CSS -- try it on codepen, but at the moment it doesn't work on jsfiddle.
Example HTML, for reference:
<li class="first-for">the first item</li>
<li class="second-for">the second item</li>
<li class="third-for">the third item</li>
<li class="fourth-for">the fourth item</li>
<li class="btn-for-0">the zeroth item</li>
<li class="btn-for-1">the first item</li>
<li class="btn-for-2">the second item</li>
<li class="btn-for-3">the third item</li>
<li class="btn-for-4">the fourth item</li>
<li class="first-each">the first item</li>
<li class="second-each">the second item</li>
<li class="third-each">the third item</li>
<li class="fourth-each">the fourth item</li>
<li class="btn-each-0">the zeroth item</li>
<li class="btn-each-1">the first item</li>
<li class="btn-each-2">the second item</li>
<li class="btn-each-3">the third item</li>
<li class="btn-each-4">the fourth item</li>
Written by Jeremy
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2 Responses

You can also do something similar with multidimensional lists --
over 1 year ago
Good use of nth and length functions :)
over 1 year ago
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