Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· ev_rowe

ExpressionEngine, Structure, and Blog/Listing Instances

As many seasoned EE developers know, <a href="">Structure</a> makes it incredibly easy to organize content and build out sitemaps/navigation systems on sites. Structure even has the ability to bring its optimized, easy to read URLs to blog-style channels via the use of its "Listing" option for a page and channel combination. However, it falls short in two areas:

1) Dynamic links/URL segments used for blog channels (e.g. categories, date archives, pagination)

2) Support for listing the same channel on multiple pages.

Thankfully, an amazing module called <a href="">Zoo Triggers</a> can help alleviate both of these problems, by allowing EE to parse the dynamic url segments while still operating within the bounds of how Structure changes the URL writing/parsing process.

This is a must-have/must-use for any EE developer who uses Structure on a site that has a blogging channel.