Last Updated: September 09, 2019
· tfnico

See which Git command you use the most

Paste this into your terminal:

history|grep git| awk '{CMD[$3]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl |  head -n10

Increase -n to see more commands.

Example output (my own):

 1  385  8.68095%    log
 2  318  7.17024%    co
 3  309  6.96731%    commit
 4  307  6.92221%    show
 5  254  5.72717%    push
 6  231  5.20857%    add
 7  151  3.40474%    branch
 8  140  3.15671%    tag
 9  113  2.54791%    reset
10  112  2.52537%    clone

Source/adapted from

11 Responses
Add your response

 1  51  22.973%    svn
 2  51  22.973%    checkout
 3  38  17.1171%   branch
 4  19  8.55856%   log
 5  13  5.85586%   rebase
 6  10  4.5045%    status
 7  8   3.6036%    cherry-pick
 8  6   2.7027%    commit
 9  4   1.8018%    reset
10  3   1.35135%   merge

Can you tell I'm still using git-svn ? :)

over 1 year ago ·
 1  294 19.8649% st
 2  143 9.66216% add
 3  114 7.7027% commit
 4  84 5.67568% log
 5  78 5.27027% push
 6  77 5.2027% pull
 7  55 3.71622% co
 8  54 3.64865% stash
 9  42 2.83784%
10  34 2.2973% config
over 1 year ago ·
 1  1033  23.6927%    checkout
 2  939   21.5367%    commit
 3  418   9.58716%    status
 4  250   5.73394%    reset
 5  238   5.45872%    push
 6  222   5.09174%    add
 7  194   4.44954%    branch
 8  187   4.28899%    merge
 9  171   3.92202%    log
10  90    2.06422%    diff
over 1 year ago ·

Modified for zsh:

grep git ~/.histfile | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl |  head -n10

And my results: (co is checkout, ls is status)

 1  135  32.2196%   commit
 2  36   8.59189%   add
 3  21   5.01193%   co
 4  19   4.53461%   push
 5  18   4.29594%   rm
 6  18   4.29594%   clone
 7  11   2.6253%    ls
 8  10   2.38663%   rebase
 9  7    1.67064%   reset
10  7    1.67064%   pull
over 1 year ago ·

Not bad ...

 1  34  17.6166%   push
 2  33  17.0984%   add
 3  30  15.544%    status
 4  30  15.544%    commit
 5  16  8.29016%   pull
 6  11  5.69948%   clone
 7  6   3.10881%   remote
 8  4   2.07254%   init
 9  2   1.03627%   git-server
10  2   1.03627%   reset
over 1 year ago ·

"ci" is an alias of commit, "co" an alias of checkout...

 1  527  23.9328%    ci
 2  217  9.85468%    add
 3  168  7.62943%    co
 4  100  4.54133%    commit
 5  91   4.13261%    diff
 6  90   4.08719%    clone
 7  73   3.31517%    push
 8  67   3.04269%    reset
 9  62   2.81562%    log
10  57   2.58856%    stash
over 1 year ago ·

@passcod there's no need to do cat ~/.histfile | grep git, it's much better to do grep git ~/.histfile.

over 1 year ago ·

I've adapted to read my ~/.bash_history instead, though it's pretty much the same script:

grep ^git ~/.bash_history | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl |  head -n10

My results are:

 1  18  15.2542%   co
 2  15  12.7119%   st
 3  14  11.8644%   ci
 4  12  10.1695%   push
 5  9   7.62712%   s
 6  7   5.9322%    di
 7  7   5.9322%    add
 8  5   4.23729%   rebase
 9  5   4.23729%   l
10  5   4.23729%   fetch
  • co: checkout
  • st: status
  • ci: commit
  • s: status -sb
  • di: diff
  • l: git --no-pager log -1 --name-status
over 1 year ago ·

I mostly checkout via a shell alias 'gco', and check status with a 'gst' alias, but other than that I grep a -lot-.

 1  183  18.6735%   grep
 2  58   5.91837%   commit
 3  47   4.79592%   clone
 4  39   3.97959%   checkout
 5  34   3.46939%   add
 6  31   3.16327%   branch
 7  30   3.06122%   show
 8  29   2.95918%   rm
 9  29   2.95918%   diff
10  27   2.7551%    log
over 1 year ago ·

@passcod @inkel: in zsh, it's better to use

history 1 . | .......

or ${HISTFILE} instead of ~/.histfile

My most used git commands

1 51  13.8965%   log
2 50  13.624%    co
3 22  5.99455%   diff
4 22  5.99455%   commit
5 18  4.90463%   reset
6 17  4.63215%   stash
7 17  4.63215%   clone
8 17  4.63215%   add
9 15  4.08719%   merge
10 14  3.81471%   cot 
over 1 year ago ·

It seems zshell has a tendency to re-use elements of the history file, so commands like git status that are used identically many times leads to a single entry in the history file, and therefore the statistics get all wrong.

over 1 year ago ·