Dev Ergonomics Tip: Use a Dark-Style GitHub/StackOverflow Theme
As many of the developers I know and have met, I am also used to using a dark colour theme on all of my IDEs and text editors, and the command-line terminal. In fact, if an OSX app (still hard to get used to saying macOS) supports a dark mode, I’d most probably turn it on, to avoid the sharp contrast when switching between my work environment and other applications. One thing that has often irritated me though, has been the switch between my IDE and two of programmers’ go-to websites: GitHub, and StackOverflow. Both feature a completely white background, which has required a brief period of eye adjustment, every time I switched away from my IDE/editor. Well, until today. Turns out that there is a single dark theme for both websites that can be installed through a browser extension, called Stylish. Stylish supports Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Firefox Mobile, so you should hardly have any problems installing it. Once you have it installed on your browser, go to each of the following links, and install the respective styles for GitHub, and StackOverflow:
After installing the styles, refresh the respective pages, and they should then look this:
Dark Style Source Code:
Originally posted at
Written by Preslav Rachev
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