MP4 → Animated WebP
Assuming you're adding this to a Makefile
(which requires all $
to be $$
), and the MP4 files are in a directory called ./remote-assets
, you can use the following to produce an animated WebP version of the MP4 file.
find ./remote-assets -type f -name '*.mp4' | xargs -P $$(nproc) -I {} bash -c 'ffmpeg -i $$1 -color_primaries film -quality 80 -loop 0 -hide_banner "$${1%.mp4}.webp"' _ {} \;
This will:
- Find all
files in the directory (recursively) - Pass the list of matches to
- Determine the number of CPU cores you have
- Spin up that many threads in order to parallelize the work
- Use Bash to call
- Output the file with the same name, but with a
file extension
Written by Ryan Parman
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