Joined June 2013

Auke Willem Oosterhoff


Posted to Combine git add and git status over 1 year ago

@jitendravyas In your .bashrc or .zshrc.

Do you know Fabric Virtualenv? It provides a context manager for doing operations inside a virtualenv. You've to know the location of your environment, but know you've to know the name of the environment. So that doesn't make a big difference.

Posted to Command Line Lipsum Text over 1 year ago

Combine it with xclip to automatically save the output to your clipboard.lorem -w 5 | xclip puts it on your 'X'clipboard and you can paste it by clicking with your middle mouse button. Use xclip -selection clipboard to have it under your Ctrl-V buttons.

Posted to How to Enabled terminal's color over 1 year ago

I you want to apply this option not a global level but on a user level you can put the line in ~/.bashrc. After adding you can reload your configuration with . ~/.bashrc.

Posted to cp with progress bar over 1 year ago

+1 vimishor. I use cp -Rvf a lot and the -R flag of cp differs from the meaning of rsyncs -R flag. The same things counts for the -f flag. So you have to be aware of that. The equivalent of cp -Rvf in rsync is rsync -rv --force. So in case I alias cp I must use cp -rv --force.

Nice optimalization tip! The next step for me is to find a something which can do this for the commands and key phrases I use in Vim.

If you want to do this manually when you are already in a file, use gi. Very handy when 'scrolling' through a file and you last positions went off screen.

Posted to Configure Hipchat in IRSSI over 1 year ago

More improvements ;)
Put set alternate_nick Your Full Name in the file 'startup' so youre alternate nick will be set automatically.

In order to join a (group) channel automatically add this to the channels section in your config: `{ name = "[Jabber id of group]"; chatnet = "hipchat"; autojoin = "Yes"; }

See my example config

Posted to Configure Hipchat in IRSSI over 1 year ago

Thanks for the tip of setting an alternative nick! Maybe good to mention that the MUC server is different of the default server. Use /join

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