Joined February 2015



I am exactly looking for this. I am using extjs5 , so the updated code i tried is this.

Ext.Function.interceptAfter(Ext.tree.Panel.prototype, 'render', function(treenode) {
$('.x-tree-node-icon').removeClass('x-tree-node-icon').replaceWith(function() {
if (typeof($(this).attr('class')) != 'undefined')
return '<i class="' + $(this).attr('class') + '"/>';

Ext.Function.interceptAfter(Ext.tree.Panel.prototype, 'setIconCls', function(cls) {


I have included this piece of code in Application.js init() funtion.

I am unable to get this working. when i inspect the element, i dont see the dom elements being changed.
could you please explain how i can use this with extjs 5 ?

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