Joined September 2022


Me gustan las sagas de peliculas at Sagas de Películas
Al igual que con la fotografía, mi pasión por el cine se ha arraigado profundamente en mi corazón desde una edad temprana. Me cautiva la capacidad del cine para transportarnos a mundos imaginarios, despertar emociones intensas y explorar las complejidades de la condición humana.

Hi everyone, my name is Movie Sagas,
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My love for movie sagas began when I was a child. I clearly remember the excitement I felt when I saw "The Lord of the Rings" for the first time in the cinema with my family. I was fascinated by J.R.R.'s Middle Earth. Tolkien and I completely immersed myself in the epic journey of Frodo and his companions. Since then, my interest in the sagas has only grown, and I've explored a wide variety of cinematic universes, from "Harry Potter" to "Star Wars," the "Marvel Cinematic Universe" and more.

In my daily life, I always find time to enjoy my passion for movie sagas. After a day of studying or work, I love to relax by watching a movie from my favorite saga. I also organize movie marathons with friends on the weekends, where we immerse ourselves in the cinematic universe from beginning to end.
My room is a sanctuary dedicated to my love of movie sagas. On my shelves, you will find an extensive collection of DVDs, Blu-rays, books and other merchandising items related to my favorite sagas. Each item has special meaning to me and reminds me of the emotions and lessons I have experienced over the years.

In addition to enjoying movies alone, I also love connecting with other fans through online communities and movie events. It's exciting to share theories, discuss our favorite characters, and celebrate our passion for film sagas together.

For me, movie sagas are much more than just movies; They are experiences that inspire me, excite me, and connect me with other film lovers around the world. They have enriched my life in countless ways and shaped my view of the world around me. In short, movie sagas are a fundamental part of who I am, and I am excited to continue exploring new worlds and adventures on the big screen.

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