Hi Artur, it seems that GitHub has changed their authentication setup. See this issue for more info: https://github.com/pwmckenna/generator-travis-ci/issues/8
TBH, I haven't done this in a while and I need to update these tutorials, they're out of date. Yeoman recently dropped RequireJS from it's default setup, maybe other changes have happened.
@theOther, the last time I updated the repo was 7 months ago, but I've been using a setup very like it since then with only minor tweaks for Yeoman 1.0 … I don't know of any breaking changes in RequireJS.
Looks like the webapp generator removed RequireJS a couple months ago … you could probably just reverse engineer the RequireJS-enabled Gruntfile? I'll update this post as soon as I get a chance (it might not be that soon).
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@artur-gajewski @sitex I started a new project that implements this stuff using the latest Yeoman & Travis CI libraries. I'm hoping to turn it into a Yeoman generator of it's own, and add more documentation, but the README and source should get you started.