Joined April 2013
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Node.js is not suitable for generic web projects (I)
over 1 year
Just FYI. Coderwall isn't for articles of this format. You might want to look into Medium or something similar
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How I harmlessly pwn'ed a competitor with Javascript
over 1 year
I did something very similar once. I developed a Javascript "API" for a client, who then refused to pay up saying that the project has been canned. I later realized that he is still using my API, so I just put some code which freezes up the browser. The client had to explain to all his clients why their dashboards stopped working and hanging their browsers (it was a B2B business).
A few hours later, I got a very angry call from him. I told him I was just doing some tests in javascript attacks, and I was not expecting him to still use my API after he decided that he doesn't need it. He didn't say a word and hung up the call.
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Honey Badger
Have at least one original Node.js-specific repo
Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need
Another "rails-like" framework for Node.js : locomotive.js (