Joined July 2012

Harry Moreno

new york, ny

Posted to Python's imaplib over 1 year ago

How does the unseen feature work? I would assume it is a single bit shared across email clients.

In my case I have an api that needs to parse all the emails in an inbox. If we restart the api it should parse all the emails in the inbox. But if we are within a task (that runs every few minutes) we should only read in the emails since x date. Any tips on how to structure thsi?

Posted to Iterating over nth-children w/ Sass over 1 year ago

This did not work for me. The mixin definition is invalid that way.
What worked for me
scss li { @for $i from 1 through 4 { &:nth-child(#{$i}) { transition: all .2s #{$i * .1}s ease-in; } } }

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