Joined July 2013

Mike Zarandona

Front-End Engineer at
Raleigh, NC

Just in case, here's the solution to keep webapp links inside a webapp - it's super easy:

Why not just use <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> to completely remove the browser chrome entirely?

This way you can use your alert to tell them to "pin to homescreen" so that they can enjoy fullscreen - and they only have to see it once.

IMO this is FAR less annoying to your end-users.

I'm not able to get this trick to work with <li/>, is there a work-around for lists?

IMO it's way faster and easier to simply use LICEcap.

Posted to jQuery tutorial over 1 year ago

Very useful, nice resource.

It's worth noting that .cookie() is a plugin, and not native to jQuery.

One might want to get in the habit of writing <strong>border-radius: 50%;</strong>, to make a circular element at any size (and without any math).

Posted to Pure CSS Menu over 1 year ago

How about an explanation, a demo link, or... anything useful?

Works in Firefox, too.

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