Joined August 2013

Matt Gibbins

Canterbury, United Kingdom

Posted to Lazy front-enders are lazy over 1 year ago

@ericraio maybe the gain is small in a singular one-off element creation, but the benchmarks provided suggest that you could get quite a significant gain in certain situations.

In terms of revisiting the code, that's why code should be well commented so that it's easy for anyone to jump in and immediately know what's going on with the code.

It's probably down to the individual and what they find comfortable in most cases, but I can see the sense in what Tom says in his tip.

Posted to Lazy front-enders are lazy over 1 year ago

@ericraio I'm not sure any sensible developer would willingly impact performance purely for readability/familiarity. A good developer is always looking for ways to improve their existing code and future code, especially if it brings the bonus of performance improvements.

The end-user doesn't care how readable/familiar the code is to you if the site/app is too slow.

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