Joined April 2014

Arsalan Malik


You are the best :D

I am beginner at this and my project is to make a twitter bot. So, I was wondering what is a most basic code for tweeting "hello world"?

Thanks and your answer will be appreciated.

Posted to Create a twitter bot using Ruby over 1 year ago

Here is the message that i get in terminal;

"{:status_code=>401, :header=>{"connection"=>"close", "Cache-Control"=>"must-revalidate,no-cache,no-store", "Content-Type"=>"text/html", "date"=>"Sun, 27 Apr 2014 04:21:46 UTC", "x-connection-hash"=>"d0b88100384f4fbf0c975b00e1147783", "content-length"=>"310"}}
error occurred, waiting for 5 seconds;

BTW thanks for sharing your ruby bot codes :D

Posted to Create a twitter bot using Ruby over 1 year ago

i finally got it! I have installed twitter gem and i am running your codes on terminal. It runs however, it just runs in the back ground and i have no idea what it is doing on twitter.
Please advise

Posted to Create a twitter bot using Ruby over 1 year ago

Do i need to install any thing before i run this bot?

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